Trust me on this, there's no escape when it comes to Cairo traffic!
But even that, has some beauty to it; you have the time to ponder, to contemplate, to watch.
I don't know if this will work out, but this is a video of my boyfriend and his band at the SOS music festival.
After having read this, I want to buy that book so bad! What We Carry by Dorianne Laux.
This is, in fact, my 100th post! I am excited! This week I bought a GRE book so I would start studying in order to take the exam and start graduate school, wish me luck, I am doing this at a relatively young age ( I am 21).. But then, he is my inspiration. Well, not to that extent..I am not an overachiever type of person, not anymore. I need time for fun :)
I love how facebook reunites people, an old classmate found me and it sends those sparkles and glitter all over my world! And gorgeous people (Liz and Brian) from ABC Adventures added me on facebook! I LOVE THAT!
Have a great weekend everyone! I thought I should leave you with some delicacy, books and color!