Inside the Cabinet of Wonder gave me the award; thank you!
I guess I need to pass this on to four other blogs; I shall pick Afiori (definitely!), It's just how I see things, Thursday afternoons, and Wardrobe Musings.
It is such a lovely day today. Came to work and talked to everyone. I come in first, so every female on my floor (5 and one is not here) found pink post-it notes from me with " Have a great weekend. And, happy Valentine's day! *heart*, Sara"
- One of my favorite poems/quotes:
He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much;Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children;Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it;Who has left the world better than he found it,Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had;Whose life was an inspiration;Whose memory a benediction.
by Bessie Stanley 1904
- Stay Healthy (random link, I know)
- And since Valentine's day is almost here, and it's all about love. Some pictures I love (and of things that I love!)

Have a great weekend(mine starts today!!) Enjoy your Valentine's day. Love yourself. Celebrate your love. Celebrate the life you have. Celebrate. Enjoy. Smile!
I love you. I love everyone and everything.
I love you. I love everyone and everything.
To one inspirational girl:
This was one touching post.
Thank you so much for the award. It is among my first few, and it means so much coming from you. Your blog is great! I'm so glad we found each other's.
And, you are my first blog friend in Egypt.
Thanks for sharing the love. Thanks for bestowing and interest and award on my blog.
(p.s. i love that cupcake image!)
oh, p.s. i forgot to say—i love the quote from Bessie Stanley! WOW! if that is not a great way to start the day, i don't know what is? i needed that!
also love the quote about the little things in life! i take pride in the fact that i appreciate the seemingly insignificant things of my life.
all so well said.
have a great weekend and Valentine's Day!
I just love all the beautiful pictures you put on your blog. They are so gorgeous. I am constantly on we heart it! it is fabulous.
Have a beautiful valentines day and weekend!!!
Congrats on your award and I love your pics!
For a giggle come and stop by and enter my Valentine's Day contest.
Oh wow - thank you for thinking of me!!! Can I just grab it and run?! :D Glad to hear you "sound" happier!
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