Monday, May 13, 2013


Two friends of mine started the Clairvoyance Collective inspired by Thought Catalog. The idea was to have Egyptian writers contribute to the Tumblr blog and have people enjoy what we wrote. Some people are not as committed as others. And some people are too busy on some weeks. The moderators felt really bad and stopped sending us schedules. 
I couldn't write without a schedule. Without a plan for the month, without dedicating a day to writing. Some weeks I would feel really inspired and maybe send 2-3 pieces and not just one and some weeks, I could barely write 300 words.

I am not really doing a good job at #BEDM but I am posting this any way. I have a friend who is going something similar where he writes and essay every day and he's doing great things. Find him here.
Am I the only one who needs some sort of structure to follow in order to push myself to do things? I usually need some pressure (most often time pressure)

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