I love it when someone puts things perfectly, just right, with the perfect words and full stops and commas. I just love it.
This little blog post of inspiration just made me feel like I want to rise up and never be the same again. I want to live my life to the fullest. (Miss Walrus is a real life friend and yes, I am bragging!)
In fact, as I was driving back from work today, all I could feel was sympathy towards the workaholics...proving yourself at the workplace is good, but obsessing about your job and career and such is just...too much. Being established and such could wait, your youth would not. Your life won't wait for you, you have to enjoy it as it comes. Make the best of what you have. Take that long weekend, leave right when your workday ends. You could always finish the task tomorrow.
Also, check this
video out.

I never thought I would grow up. Let alone growing up to be the person I am today. It's not that I had any expectations - or plans- I just never thought I would be the me that I am as I write this. My love for writing was exposed to me when I was, I think eleven or twelve, I wrote a composition piece about the life of a coca cola bottle, and everyone loved it. And that's still part of me. My love for reading started with Anne of Green Gables. For children when my 13 year old sister was born. My love for coffee started very early - as a child, my grandfather would take me and my other sister (who is only 18 months younger) to a coffee shop and I would order a cappuccino and her an espresso (it's still the same today). I have always been a good student, and my parents expected much from me when it came to grades, and at certain points in my life, I would not study or do my best on purpose so I would rebel against my parents (and I regret it). However, the unexpected part is that I wanted to be a genetic engineer, and I am currently studying to be a development economist, with an interest in socioeconomic history (I have a BSc in Economics). When I was younger, I wanted to get married by the time I am 20, just like my mum, I am twenty-two, and am single for the first time in so long! I am taking the time and chance to get to know myself, and you are welcome to join me. And hence, my writing this now...
I don't know who I am going to be next year, or the one after, I have no plan. I know, though, that I have so much passion and that I need to share it with the world. I know I love Egypt and that I need to do something for her, something that would make a difference. I know that I love human beings, and I would also like to do something that would matter for them, the whole race, the whole generation. We are such a blessed generation, I hope everyone realizes that.
Sharing your thoughts on who you are, who you thought you would be, and how similar/different both are - or just thoughts in general is encouraged! :P